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Postal 2: Share The Pain

Today I want review about Postal 2: Share The Pain. Are you looking for information about Postal 2: Share The Pain? If yes, you need to read our Postal 2: Share The Pain review to find more information.

source image from amazon

Postal 2: Share The Pain lets you spend a week living the life of Postal Dude -- a guy on the edge, who could snap at any moment. Will he become a pacifist or a bloodthirsty killer? It's totally up to you! It's over-the-top, violent and absurd humor for the gamer craving a new kind of shooter.

This Postal 2: Share The Pain has the following features:

  • Accomplish multiple missions during your five-day week, and decide where & when to snap
  • Explore a massive game world freely -- multiple neighborhoods realistic & destructible environments to shoot up
  • Over 100 characters you can interact with - some armed, some not. Experiment with the cops, protestors, Gary Coleman and more & see what happens
  • Powerful AI and realistic graphics make the human & human/animal interactions more real and more exciting
  • New mission-based multiplayer game puts you up against fellow mail carriers who've gone postal

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